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국내·외 유학 정책 및 교육 사례를 소개하는 유학생교육정보센터

International Student Pathways to Permanent Residence In Canada: Canada Research in Brief

2021.05.28 18:33:09

International Student Pathways to

Permanent Residence In Canada:

Canada Research in Brief

Ortiz, A. (2018, June 12).  International student pathways to permanent residence in Canada . Wes.Org. https://wenr.wes.org/2018/06/international-student-pathways-to-permanent-residence-in-canada

Over the past several years Canada’s international student flows have increased 119 percent. The surge has

become and important source of skilled immigrants whom many Canadians view as one answer to a dwindling

workforce, most notably in less populous and aging provinces. This article discusses the government’s role, and

other factors that are contributing to students wanting to stay. The government’s role consisted of the policy they

created in order to smoothly transition international students into society provided one of the biggest motivations.

Post graduate work permits, increase in the allowance of work hours, and extra points towards immigration were

some of the factors included in government policy. Other factors that contributed were Canada’s living conditions

and job market being better than the students home country, and experience heard from friends or family who had

previously studied or lived in Canada.
