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국내·외 유학 정책 및 교육 사례를 소개하는 유학생교육정보센터

World Migration 2008 : Managing Labor Mobility In The Evolving Global Economy

2021.06.18 15:47:37

World Migration 2008 : Managing Labor

Mobility In The Evolving Global Economy

Appave, G. (Ed.). (2008).  World migration 2008: Managing labour mobility in the evolving global economy  (Vol. 4). Hammersmith Press.

This publication is the fourth in a series that started in 2001. The purpose is to provide policymakers and the

general public with up to date and authoritative information on international migration trends; identify major

policy issues as they arise and to discuss policy options available. The first part of the report consists of a series of studies produced by independent researchers offering individual perspectives on different facets of

economically- related mobility including the movement of highly skilled, semi-skilled , and low-skilled workers,

student mobility, short term travel for tourism, business purposes, family migration, internal migration, and

irregular migration. The second part is intended specifically for policy makers and program managers. It discusses broad policy strategies for the management of labour mobility focusing on the development of an adequate

knowledge base, the most appropriate policies for countries of origin and countries of destination, the migration and development relationship and cooperation at the global, regional, and bilateral levels. A separate section

presents overviews of migratory activity in six major regions of the world.
