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국내·외 유학 정책 및 교육 사례를 소개하는 유학생교육정보센터

Understanding Transnational Education, Its Growth and Implications

2021.06.09 14:53:41

Understanding Transnational Education,

Its Growth and Implications

Clark, N. (2012, August 1).  Understanding transnational education, its growth and implications -

WENR . Wes.Org. https://wenr.wes.org/2012/08/wenr-august-2012-understanding-transnational-education-its-growth-and-implications

The dynamics of internationalization are changing. Many of the students that traditionally would have traveled

overseas to study for an international qualification are now pursuing foreign degrees in their home or neighboring countries at local institutions through an array of collaborative arrangements. Students who are part of this

international education market, study for foreign qualifications in many different ways. The more common

understood method is through international branch campus but in reality the more commonly used method is

through in country partner arrangements such as franchising, twinning, or validating of degree programs to

teaching institutions and other organizations by awarding institutions in countries like Australia and Great Britain. This article further discusses the method of arrangements in various countries, how they are checked for quality and standards as well the numbers related to transnational education
